And boy, did it snow. Although we have only been in boise for three years, and people assure us that it never snows like this, two of our three winters here have been snowy.
I guess we will have our White Christmas after all!
The kids love sledding down the little hill at the side of our yard and think that it's great fun. Kelly and I keep telling them that they need to sled on a REAL hill!!! I think we will take them to sled down Camelsback sometime this week. Now that's a hill! LOL!!!
Riley had his Christmas program at school last Thursday. It was fun to see him singing and really getting into it! This was his favorite song, Noel. (See video to the right)
The dogs have really been enjoying the snow too! It is always so pretty after a snow fall, but our snow usually is full of doggy footprints within minutes of letting them out. They get so spunky in the new snow and will frollic with eachother until they are exhausted. I just love watching them play in the snow. I tried to take a video of it this morning, but Steffi spied me through the window, and alerted Meg and Tika that I was watching. Within seconds they were all sitting at the back door waiting to come in...
Leapin' lizards!!! Oh, I mean leapin' Tika!
Meg, Steffi, and Tika enjoying the snow...
I'll just leave you with one more picture and a Joyous Christmas wish from my family to you and yours!